Monday, August 15, 2011

Human rights and iron-Fisted leaders

What was that great quote, do you know when Caesar said; "The first thing we do is kill all the lawyers," and often people use that quote out of context, at the time of Caesar wanted to take remember about, and he knew he had to eliminate all the lawyers to do this. Indeed, a studier of Machiavellian line would realize that when you buy another country, the first thing that you need to do is get rid of the intellectuals, lawyers, educators, leaders, and then lead the masses by fear.

Well, I'm certainly not one to believe that in the current period, Machiavellian line must be the order of the day. However, I realize I am not alone in this world, nor is the United States of America. Many of our trading partners do not think that the way we do, don't need a capitalist, nor do their leaders necessarily believe in personal freedoms, freedom or democracy. An example of this could, for example, China.

Here in the United States we know not much about what is happening in China, as they are careful to censor the news from that country, and certainly the news come in. But we know that they are often to what we, from our perspective as Americans consider; no good. Last month there was an interesting piece in Sino Daily Online news titled "China cracking down on rights lawyers: Amnesty," written by staff writers in Hong Kong (AFP) and published on June 30, 2011. The article stated what many have feared would happen;

"Beijing has unleashed a" uncompromising "attack on China focused on the legal profession, human rights lawyers in an attempt to head off social unrest, Amnesty International said. The move was a bid to determine rights lawyers who take on sensitive issues such as fears that stands in the Middle East, North Africa and mount root in's world's most populous country could take, the rights group said in a new report. "

The article speculated that this was done by Communist leaders to silence dissent, and repealing licenses, intimidation, arbitrary disappearances and torture had reported. As much is that it displeases me to say something good about lawyers, should the Chinese people someone on their side right about now. Yes, China has 1.4 billion people have no chance but to force their legislation. The question is; they are to enforce the right.

On the one hand, there is serious corruption on the side of the Government, and yet it seems the ruling party is slow to enforce those issues, but they will go after any citizen who is one of their dastardly deeds calls, or any lawyer who goes to a citizen who speaks from defend, or every group that comes to their aid. There will always be challenges to human rights when leaders have absolute power. China needs checks and balances, and the United States must be careful who are linked to. I hope indeed will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is a retired founder of a nationwide chain of the Franchise, and now the Online Think Tankis running. Lance Winslow believes 23,850 writing articles by 4 July 2011 is going to be difficult, because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now ...

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

The symbol of the skull: Subculture or Pop culture

These days, we see the symbol of the skull emblazoned on everything from toddler socks nightclub wear. In every American mall, youth specialty store or discount store, the image can be in many forms. Jewelry, jackets, t-shirts and other clothing sparkling with Rhinestones or other artistic images. Heads are not not just for Halloween, more!

Why all the interest? Skulls are hardly a sign of rebellion or devil worship, nowadays. Once a powerful symbol of death and intellectualism, the bony remains of the human head are now cliche, perhaps even boring. Also mainstream for a true biker and and so common, even in the many artistic performances, that it does not conform to even the morbid curiosity of your average grade school student.

Skull images has long associated with death and transcendence; human spirituality, if you will. It is a reminder of our mortality, the transient nature of life and by its existence after the end of chronological life, the limitations of human knowledge and insight.

Skulls have also gotten magical properties and religious meaning in the whole of humanity of existence. Skull necklaces are worn by people of many cultures to ward off evil deities, or alternatively, by the gods themselves, to communicate wrath and misfortune to those who oppose them. Christians associate skulls penitent Holiness and the washing away of human sin. Freemasons can the emblem symbolize their organization hierarchy, next to the transience of materialism.

Interestingly, the bones of the human head more often expressed as icons of happiness or resurrection, then bad luck. The accident of death is eventually followed by the possibility of final liberation in native American and Mexican folklore. The day of the dead, a popular Mexican tradition, celebrates the passing of ancestors and relatives, by wearing skulls in jewelry, as well as cranial consumption in fabulous morbid cakes! Along the same lines, can be used as a talisman skulls, believed to reverse bad luck and happiness symbolize in adversity, similar to black cats and the number seven, in lore gambling gambling.

Most of us know skulls as emblems of danger, as depicted on a bottle of poison; as depicted on the entrance of Nazi death camps or fear, hatred expressed by the iconograpy of apocolyptic displayed on tee-shirts. This symbolic artistry can no longer inspires horror but still draw attention to a large number of social causes or antisocial fear, so wear your skulls pride and let the rest of us guessing to your message!

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