Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Taxing times

Hi ya! I hope you do well, and that tax season was nice for you that Speak., we are in some pretty taxing times now. Of the economy, war, natural disasters, and winter don't want to leave, it's hard out there. Almost everyone I talk with has negatively affected in a certain way. If you do not know first hand, I can tell you that now running a business is certainly not easy.

Yep, it's certainly difficult. So what can we do? We all know there are things in life that we can change ... and the things that we cannot. As individuals, there is not much we can do to the economy, war, taxes or the weather to change. These things are what they are. We can, but changing how we see them-and so how we deal with them.

It comes down to see the glass as ' half empty ' or ' half full '. We have heard that a million times, but in these certain times, it is not easy. Let's be real.  We are adults. We know that things can get tough. We know that We need to stay positive. We know that giving up is not an option. But it is still difficult.

I give myself pep talks. "You can do. Just continue. Stay positive. Think of the many blessings in your life and the things that are going well. Try not to think about the negative things. " I remind myself that God never gives me more than I can handle. I truly believe that, but apparently he has a different view on my limits.

These memories can be very useful. But if they don't help at all, I have more suggestions to consider: hugs, kindness and helping others.

We need the human aspect, smiling, laughing and the good feelings that we have with our loved ones. Perhaps adding more of those to our routines will be our perspectives change. It is also useful to step outside ourselves and helping others. Not only focused on someone else feels good, but it offers a break from the stress of our own situations. And if we look to others, we can only find solutions to our own problems.

We are certainly in times now, but our perspectives and actions can get us through. We have to believe that, and move forward. With confidence. It will get better. Really. Now go hug someone you love.

Kris Jamieson is a virtual assistant and owner of Resourcefully yours, LLC. She helps small business owners with their marketing and administrative tasks. Because they are an independent contractor, save customers money on staff costs. One of the Kris passions is writing. Another is to look at the human condition. One of her greatest passions is helping others.

Visit more information about Kris and Resourcefully yours.

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