Sunday, July 31, 2011

The great astrological end time

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The Apocalypse is upon us, a part of a great astrological end-time cycle that is impacting humanity today. Global warming is now a reality. Devastating climate changes, including earthquakes and volcanoes, have been getting worse since 1970. We have also seen an epidemic rise in depression and suicide in this same time period. And we are heading for a Sixth Big Extinction of almost all life on earth.

The astrological signs Virgo and Pisces sit in opposition to each other across the zodiac, creating an axis that acts as a trigger for end-time energies. Virgo rules disintegration and extinction, and Pisces rules dissolution, giving to the times occupied by these signs the quality of dramatic change. The table is cleaned and washed in order to create space for a new feast to be set.

In addition to ages, there are twelve eras (my terminology) in every age, and twelve phases in every era. We sit at the beginning of the Pisces Era of the Age of Pisces, 1980 to 2160. This is a doubly intense Pisces/Virgo bath of dissolution and disintegration adding greatly to the end-time quality of this time.

Since the Pisces Phase (1965 to 1980) of the Aquarius Era (1800 to 1980) of the Age of Pisces, our history has taken on a decidedly end-time flavor. Toxic industrial and nuclear pollution made headlines after 1965. A sudden rise in species extinctions became a major concern. International and domestic terrorism exploded onto the scene in Europe and America. Welfare increased dramatically, and inflation began to tear at the economic fabric of our lives. Depression and suicide rates began to climb. And these trends have continued to today. Since 1970 weather patterns began to change, and earthquakes and volcanoes began to increase in frequency and intensity. Global warming is now a scientific fact with devastating projections for our future over the next century. And many researchers say that we have just now entered a Sixth Big Extinction event that will affect all life on earth.

We can look at history to get a perspective on this. The Virgo Eras of the last two ages reveal a history of social and political fragmentation resulting in periods of feudalistic isolation. The Virgo Era of the Age of Aries, from 1080 to 900 BCE, witnessed the internal social and political fragmentation of the Egyptian Empire, the breakdown into warring feudalistic city-states of the First Assyrian Empire, and the establishment of the feudalistic Greek city-states as Greeks moved into their present homeland.

The Virgo Era of the Age of Pisces, 900 to 1080 CE, saw the same fragmentation of culture. Europe disintegrated into small, isolated cities and manors in a system known as manoralism. The Islamic empire fragmented into three separate Caliphates. The Tang Dynasty in China devolved into a fragmented feudalistic system where local warlords ruled the country in the name of the emperor. The Mayans in Central America suddenly and mysteriously disappeared from their homeland after 900 CE.

The Pisces Eras also reveal histories of social and political confusion and breakdown. During the Pisces Era of the Age of Aries, 180 to 0 BCE, the Late Republic in Rome after 200 BCE, entered a period of severe internal violence and social dissolution. There was a massive rise in the number of slaves imported into the city. Citizens were pushed out of their jobs, and a huge welfare state was created. Gladiatorial games were created to keep the people occupied and off the streets. Huge slum tenements were built on the outskirts of the city to house the poor. A widening division between rich and poor split the city as the middle class dissolved and slid into poverty. Politics became a path to wealth and power as greed replaced civic responsibility. Similar trends of social dissolution and internal violence are also seen in the Early Han Dynasty in China between 200 and 0 BCE.

It is easy to see the beginnings of these same trends in our modern world over the last few decades. Welfare and entitlement programs have become a necessary part of the political landscape. Global warming and climate changes are markers for something dramatic that is happening today.

Is this something to be worried about? The smaller Virgo and Pisces Eras create times of social and political breakdown. The longer ages would be times of major end-time scenarios. The Age of Virgo from 12,960 to 10,800 BCE, sits opposite to our present Age of Pisces in the zodiac. At approximately 10,000 BCE, there is evidence of a huge global extinction of large animals, the Pleistocene Extinction, possibly caused by some type of cosmic cataclysm. This is very close to the end of the Age of Virgo, close enough to fit this end-time cycle.

The Beresovka Mammoth was found flash frozen with fresh undigested buttercups in its mouth and stomach. To keep food from the continued process of digestion, the mammoth would had to have been flash frozen to -150 degrees Fahrenheit almost immediately. Also found in Siberia are temperate trees frozen with fruit still on the branches. The muck pits of Alaska reveal many thousands of large animals killed and instantly frozen, torn apart and mixed with the torn trunks of trees, as if they were all violently thrown down with some superhuman force mashing them all together in a single cosmic event.

There was a sudden rise in the level of the world's oceans at around 10,000 BCE as well. Since the 1950s there have been numerous reports of finding underwater manmade megalithic stone walls, stone roads and temples in the Caribbean. More recently a city was discovered under 100 feet of water in the Indian Ocean off the coast of northern India. A recent NASA satellite photograph shows an underwater manmade stone bridge or causeway running from southern India to the island of Sri Lanka. These were all above water prior to 10,000 BCE.

Worldwide, over 500 myths and stories remember at least one such catastrophic world ending tragedy in the past. A handful of them remember more than one such destruction. The ancient Egyptians, who gave to us our ideas about Atlantis, say that there is a regularly recurring cycle of end-time destructions. This is in line with what this astrological end-time cycle reveals.

Now that we are in the Pisces Era within the Age of Pisces since 1980, this could all get worse. The doubly strong astrological energy bath of Pisces dissolution and Virgo disintegration and extinction right now promise apocalypse prior to the promised golden Age of Aquarius, the Millennium of Christ. So, how do we survive into the next age as a species?

The astrology that says that we are in trouble, also tells us to embrace the best of the astrological energies involved. This means embracing the highest Pisces energies, deepening our Pisces spirituality as the best way through this. Pisces rules spirituality. The planet Venus is exalted in Pisces, giving to the religions of this age the heightened impulse to devotion, and expressing selfless and compassionate love to everyone around us, without judgment. We meditate or pray, a Virgo mental technique that allows us to get past our fears, and which helps us to align our personal energies with the spiritual energies of Pisces and with God or Goddess. Expressing these energies in our lives enlivens them for the collective, allowing us to direct the outcome of these times to our own ends.

While the Age of Aquarius is still a good ways off, Pisces rules contact with other worlds, higher worlds. Following the Pisces spiritual path can help us to contact and create heaven on earth right now, without waiting for the golden Age of Aquarius. Pisces rules dreams. We can choose to dream a new world, free from poverty, crime and suffering, and free of destructive prophecy, or at least the more devastating aspects of prophecy. Meditation and prayer in the service of our dreams supports the Aquarius energies of utopia. The planet Mercury, the mind, is exalted in Aquarius. Through positive thinking and affirmations, we can learn to manifest our hopes, dreams and wishes, and create a new utopia, all Aquarius qualities.

The Apocalypse is indeed here. It is riding the wave of an astrologically enlivened end-time cycle. The Golden Age will follow. The astrological qualities of these times, of this end-time, is asking us to become the sons and daughters of God, as Christ foresaw, and take for ourselves the ability to perform all the miracles that Christ performed, and more, in fulfillment of Christ's prophecies regarding us during this transition.

Robert FitzGerald has studied astrological ages and the great astrological end-time cycle for almost 40 years. For more information on this phenomenon please go to

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