Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Maori warriors-the traditional New Zealand-Warrior

The Maori warriors are strong symbolic figures in culture and history of the Maori and New Zealand as a whole.

The Tattoos of the Maori warriors

Warriors were considered people of high rank, that is why they would receive tattoos. They would receive tattoos for decorating them and to do scare the enemy.

The cheeks, Chin, nose, forehead, buttocks and thighs were all covered with tattoos as a symbol of masculinity and performance.

Maori warriors and the art of Mau Rakau

Mau rakau is the art of the struggle that the Maori have developed over the centuries. It combines specific fighting techniques with the use of traditional weapons such as the taiaha or mere. These battles art can only be mastered after years of practice and commitment.

Warriors had to their balance, timing, as well as their coordination to fight with the weapons work effectively. They often trained with weapons, as well as the poi. Although the poi dances traditionally used for women, allowed the Maori warriors to work on their coordination, improve their strength and flexibility in both their arms and hands.

Maori warriors fighting techniques and strategies

Maori warriors were highly skilled and fierce. They mastered the art of ambush and surprise raids. They were able to surprise the enemy and disappear without a sound.

When facing the enemy warriors, would use psychology by their opponents through their facial tattoos, and the ' peruperu ' war dance, a famous today as the haka intimidating.

War parties and raids, were organized in order to surprise the enemy. The warriors would wait until dawn before charging at the enemy. She would therefore mainly do to conquer a new territory, to win more land, more food or dilution of the gene pool, in which case they life young women to have children would love.

It was not uncommon for the war parties gave to larger parties on the success of a fight. For capturing the spirituality and the status of a person who with the prestige, the warriors would eat them.

When the Europeans to New Zealand, they were quite surprised by the courage of the Maori warriors. Their fighting techniques and strategies of the war were totally different from what the British have been used.

Although the Maori very poorly equipped, unlike the British were, they won many battles. Their traditional fortified villages were clearly a strong Trump and they could keep the upper hand on many occasions.

To learn more about the Maori Warrior , as well as attentional information about New Zealand Free please visit our guide to New Zealand vacations.

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