Sunday, July 10, 2011

The validity of your Argument must have gotten lost in interpretation or multiple translations

It is very difficult to try to get people together in the world. There are different cultures, different forms of Government, and different religions. And make it even harder, we have a communication problem, since there are different languages, with different alphabets, symbols, and things that look like hieroglyphics to each of the different groups of people and their perception. There are different dialects of the same language, and different sects of the same religion. You can understand why political impasse thanks to misunderstanding, distrust, paranoia and culture.

One thing I find very interesting is that every country, religion and culture seems to have their version of the moral high ground. And if you look at it closely, many of the moral high ground is not more than an exaggerated State of hypocrisy. And no, I'm not going to choose this article on Islam, nor do I wish them to catch up on my culture, which I admit is not always perfect. However, it's what I know, and I derive my morals, and sense of honesty and integrity from my own culture, as they from theirs. Okay, so you're starting to see my point.

There seems to have been a fear in the United States that Islam is going to try to get over our way of life, and there is a lot of conspiracy theory, and paranoia in Middle East countries that the Western world is trying to impose Western culture, Western laws and a Western way of life on their culture. It seems to be of the same argument of an opposite view. The other day, I was having a debate between myself and someone from the Islamic world, but I was not talking to a real person, I was trying to this argument in my mind.

Indeed, I have a character based on the books that I have read, and the articles that I've perused, and for each argument that I can come up with, I came up with another rhetorical argument think it through each other's perspective. Eventually, I came up with this statement;

"The validity of your argument must have gotten lost in interpretation or multiple translations, who by now has led to political impasse."

You can see how I derived this Declaration, and that's really not the problem that we face in the world. The concept of winning hearts and minds of others, when they do not want to have won, not necessarily trust you, nor you necessarily them, is really related to the company in a mirror, albeit a cloudy one to one's own reflection.

I hope indeed will please consider all this and think that from a philosophical perspective. If you have any ideas or real life solutions to the challenges that we face as our world closer together, then please shoot me an email.

Lance Winslow is the founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders and General all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hope you've enjoyed the discussion and subject today. -have an important subject to discuss, please contact Lance Winslow.

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